
Add DST to your practice and see it blossom


Our minds may drive us off course.
The body guides us home.


Move forward: DST accelerates the process

We offer a series of Somatic Touch Skills training steps, designed to prepare practitioners to master and apply all aspects of Dynamic Somatic Touch therapy in their practices. Each step teaches in-depth concepts and precise techniques to help students experience  and synthesize a highly effective touch and dialogue approach, which is both easy to learn and use. Your clients will welcome the refreshing approach of DST.


  • Learning the basic foundational hand techniques and verbal facilitation methods of DST.
  • Sensing the different layers of the body with touch.
  • Learning passive listening touch.
  • Learning active listening touch.
  • Learning the language of micro-movements.


  • Understanding the difference between story, narrative, and theme.
  • Understanding light dark themes and how to facilitate thematic transformation.
  • Deepening skill level with touch and gaining facility with micro-movements.
  • Leaning the art of going with the tissues and sensing where the tissues want to go.
  • Understanding and applying the principles of reflex releases.
  • Learning how to correctly be in the unknown.
  • Learning the timing of guiding a session.


  • Taking a history assessment, present time assessment, and future assessment, all at a comfortable pacing rhythm for the client.
  • Marking past, present and future references while listening for and capturing all the important points essential to healing (Temporal Awareness by Containing the Story and Taming the Narrative).
  • Mastering reflective language that produces self-awareness rather than self-consciousness. 
  • Sensing the body as a whole and feeling how the parts can fit together.
  • Learning all the segments of the body and their basic functions in bodily and emotional health (Bioenergetic function).
  • Familiarizing with the tissue layers and parts of the body and their function.
  • Learning to understand patterns of tension and patterns of lack of tension, fundamental to healthy function.
  • Learning to feel healthy tone in the body and transform tension imbalances into healthy tone (wellness).
  • Learning to relate body information into fundamental life themes without overgeneralizing or speaking in clichés.
  • Learning what to say and not to say to clients.
  • Learning the art of silence.
  • Learning the art of facilitative dialogue that prompts clients to name what is key, rather than the therapist saying what the key things are ahead of the client’s process (never getting ahead of our clients).
  • Learning the art of timing when sharing insights with our clients.
  • Learn the rules of personal disclosure to facilitate connection and safety.

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