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The Body in Ease and Dis-ease: A Question of Timing By Rouel Cazanjian
We tend to think of the body as a type of machine that either runs well or breaks down in need of repairs. And in severe cases of breakdown, the

Echoes of the Past
Overcoming Generational Trauma Sergio Ocampo, MA, LMFT Why is generational trauma important in our work as mental health professionals? How does it show up, and what can we do to

The Felt Sense
We all know the difference between our thoughts, emotions, and physical sensations, but what does it really mean to be human? What is the experience of existence? How would you

Inventing Creativity
I hope this title can lure you into reading this short article about the nature of invention and creativity in our work. Ortho-Bionomy® has a plethora of handy techniques and

Visualization and Competitive Neuroplasticity
Wow! That’s a mouthful, but let’s make this all very simple. If you knew that visualization or other types of intentional activities could rewire your brain for the better and

A Spiral a Day Keeps the Doctor Away: Part 5 Exaggerating a Pattern
This stand-alone article is part of an ongoing series of articles is dedicated to the genius of Dr. Arthur Lincoln Pauls, D.O., who’s Phase 7 work has revolutionized the way

A Spiral a Day Keeps the Doctor Away: Part 4 Seeing Multiple Points of View
This ongoing series of articles is dedicated to the genius of Dr. Arthur Lincoln Pauls, D.O., who inspired me to find my own interpretation of this work. There may be

A Spiral a Day Keeps the Doctor Away: Part 3 Essence
This series of articles is my attempt to decipher some of the Phase 7 genius of Dr. Arthur Lincoln Pauls, D.O., as it has filtered through me over the last

A Spiral a Day Keeps the Doctor Away: Part 2 Connection
In Part 1 one of this series, I shared some of my insights on the benefits of using visualization and being highly observant on a daily basis. I will repeat

A Spiral a Day Keeps the Doctor Away: Part 1 Imagery
I met Arthur Lincoln Pauls, D.O., 33 years ago, and my mission, then and now, is to demystify his work and make it accessible to everyone. In Part 1 of